For sure, me neither. In any All Women Are Created Equal But Queens Are Born In April Shirt other election, I would agree with you. If this was Biden vs Romney for example I’d get it. Wouldn’t we hate to see Either Sanders or Warren handcuffed by a non-policy making position, no? IANA so correct me if I’m mistaken. I get it, I really do, and I’m still voting blue, but you have to admit that Biden/Harris is a genuinely trash ticket. Biden a moderate on the best of days. And a state prosecutor with a bad record… yikes is all I’m saying. You’re not voting for your president, you’re voting for your enemy.
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Biden is All Women Are Created Equal But Queens Are Born In April Shirt an easier enemy than Trump. America has crashed hard into right-wing extremism, and unfortunately, positive change is going to have to be incremental from here on out. Ruth Bader Ginsburg will die within the next 4 years. If Trump is back in and elects another conservative judge. your progressive ideals are at danger for the rest of your lives since those people have lifetime appointment slips. Republicans already have a majority there, you don’t want to give then even more. Stop complaining about Biden and wait until his reelection campaign to rally against him.
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