Someone I saw on Instagram a few years ago found out they had an Awesome Black Dad A Son’s First Hero A Daughter’s First Love Shirt tumor, they caught it in the really early stages, but she couldn’t afford treatment so it kept growing and whatnot. It’s mental to think that your basic human right to medical care only applies if you can afford it. If you haven’t already, get that receipt itemized. This way they will have to explain their bill. It could possibly lead to a reduction. Always worth a try. I guess I’m more surprised that many people know who this kid is. I don’t know who these people are in any of the memes I see unless they’re already a celeb.
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Same from my experience in Australia with a close friend and Awesome Black Dad A Son’s First Hero A Daughter’s First Love Shirt my mum if something is serious there is no wait time. All free. I just want to thank Gough, Bob, Paul and the team for Medicare. He was all against health insurance and I asked him what happens if he got cancer. He literally said: “Just don’t get cancer! If you get cancer, it’s your own fault.”. I don’t understand any American who resists universal healthcare.
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“Because socialism…” all of our CAPITALIST peer countries use universal, and spend half or Awesome Black Dad A Son’s First Hero A Daughter’s First Love Shirt per capita. Our media plays a huge role in keeping us doing stupid stuff. And it’s all paid for by the people making money on the current system. The insurance industry pays a lot of money to our legislators as well. This keeps them voting against universal healthcare. So market yourself so people know who you are and use your popularity to create awareness on unrelated topics.
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