The Awesome Cough One More Damn Time Shirt cough syrup ingredient is Dextromethorphan. Luckily, that is a fairly obscure, rare cough syrup ingredient. Oh wait, nevermind, it’s in literally every cough syrup. And you can cite a study that proves it? Done deal boys and girls. Cough syrup bad and science says so. Get some extra funding through those ads. Some choose not to – like the guys who discovered insulin- Frederick Banting & Charles Best. But like maybe if you have a mild cough don’t reach for the NyQuil bottle and down an indeterminate amount of it like my ex used to. A lot of cough makes it harder to breathe and inflames the lining of the airway and can be bad for you.
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Just a small sampling of considerations. In short, it’s super complicated, even without going into pharmacology. That’s why doctors go to school for so long. The best method is to do some research into whatever medical questions you have on your own, then discuss them with your doctor. If your doctor doesn’t want to take the time to discuss it with you or you just get a bad feeling. Don’t hesitate to go to a different doctor for a second opinion. Unfortunately know when you’re out. Of Awesome Cough One More Damn Time Shirt your depth and when you’re not isn’t the easiest advice to apply in practice.
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Based on personal experience, I often develop coughs when the air at night is too dry. Coughing all night means no sleep. I do run a humidifier, but when the weather shifts from cold and wet to hot and dry and back. Maintaining an RH of 50-55% in the house can be a challenge. Move to the southeastern US. The relative humidity in my house only gets below 50% for about a month during the winter. So you’re saying you can have a little an Awesome Cough One More Damn Time Shirt cough, as a treat?
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