I don’t like that I got charged for the way my hair grows out of Awesome Hair Stylist 2020 Mask Shirt my head. 20 dollars (ten each) extra for length plus thickness? Seriously? What does she expect curly hair to grow like? I will say it’s very common for salons to have tiers where short hair costs the least and long hair costs the most to get cut/styled which is annoying, but acceptable. However, the fact that she changed the price after the fact is extremely nuts. NTA. I’d have trouble stifling a laugh if someone said ‘hey come back and pay me more because I said so. I would have blocked her then and there without even responding. That’s so tacky and underhanded.
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Annoying, but it makes sense given that people with short hair go a lot more frequently to maintain a short cut. I was thinking it’s because of the massive amounts of products they have to use on Awesome Hair Stylist 2020 Mask Shirt my ass-length hair compared with someone with a lob. Almost always, the stylist mentions this while doing my hair. Sometimes before, giving me a chance to make a decision, sometimes mid-session when they have to open more product and mix more color. But never in the history of ever, have I ever left a salon and had the stylist message me later asking for more money. That’s some bullshit right there.
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My stylist always forgets just how much hair I have on my head and Awesome Hair Stylist 2020 Mask Shirt has to remix the product. I joke about how deceptive my hair is since it’s naturally fine and very thick. It also attempts to curl but has no strength to it so it just, fluffs. I also keep it very long due to the fluff factor since any shorter, it’s just not cute. I end up having to stand for trims since it’s too long in the chair. The only time I have ever had to pay more than another visit is when I change it up drastically.
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2 reviews for Awesome Hair Stylist 2020 Mask Shirt