I had to look way too long to Awesome Horse Notes On Sheet Music Shirt find this comment. This horse was fairly calm considering. Many horses I know would have reacted much more violently. This applies to people as well. Went sailing once and capsized when I and my friends’ boats collided. Man, that moment of panic when I felt a rope tied around my ankle. When I was little I was in the shallow part of a lake and a small fish kept following me and nibbling on my toe. Even after I screamed and kicked and cried that bastard persisted, as the adults around me giggled at my freak out. Thanks for jiggling loose that repressed memory.
Awesome Horse Notes On Sheet Music Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
Then today I went and asked my mom if Awesome Horse Notes On Sheet Music Shirt she remembered that, and she’s all “no why would I remember that that obviously happens to people all the time it’s not a unique event”. WHAT??? Is this something that happens to people all the time? Because I have never in my life heard anyone else discuss this icky phenomenon. But a fucken balloon well that’s another whole other ball game that thing bounces and bobs and just is something you cant actually train for. This horse is amazing.
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