Have they adjusted for Awesome In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Vintage Shirt voter suppression? Probably damn near a tie by now! We need to vote. Meanwhile, Fox News headline that appeared in my Apple News preview: Trump sees approval rating increase, the majority expect him to beat Biden: poll. I’m not surprised. Before the debate I was one of the people choosing not to vote, feeling immoral voting for either of these polished turds. If a candidate wins a popular vote by a margin bigger than 10%, then it’s impossible that the other one wins the electoral college. Of course. the polls could tighten and Trump could still win. But if the landslide is big enough, the popular vote matters.
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Also, a landslide is essential to Awesome In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Vintage Shirts prevent Trump from trying to steal the election through the courts. The thing is I hadn’t actually heard trump speak in so long, and watching his hateful rhetoric for 90 minutes was the kick in the pants I needed to register to vote. I imagine plenty of other people had the same sentiment as me. He couldn’t just say he denounces white supremacy. Unbelievable. I weep for this dead, immoral country where someone like Biden only has a 13 point lead over someone like Trump. A national poll doesn’t mean. The popular vote doesn’t mean. All that matters are winning the contested states.
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