Although he did feel bad for Awesome Seinfeld Costanza 2020 It’s Not A Lie If You Believe It Vintage Shirt a few seconds that she died licking the absolute cheapest invitation envelopes because George is cheap”. To be fair Jason Alexander is also a professional actor and very serious about it. He will tell you in great detail. Particularly because his physical comedy was exhausting and multiple takes were painful. It’s because Julia was pregnant in real life so they were going to do the usual tricks to hide her bump. Jerry suggested that they just feature it and have her get fat and she burst into tears. He said that he wanted to do an entire season where the main story was Elaine getting fat. Julia Hated it but now sees the humor in it and regrets not moving forward with the idea.
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The flip side is that so much of what he did was not on Awesome Seinfeld Costanza 2020 It’s Not A Lie If You Believe It Vintage Shirt the page. So I can’t fault anyone for cracking up the first time they see him deliver a line. Reading what Kramer’s lines are and seeing Michael Richards bring those lines to life are two very different things. That makes perfect sense. It sometimes seems like ensemble sitcoms fall into two categories. Was that the first example of that plot? Sitcom characters making a show about themselves is definitely a trope now.
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