That’s what I was thinking. Both seem to Awesome Team Kindergarten We Wear The Mask Together Shirt have pretty severe issues with sympathy and empathy. Most people trying not to wear masks are only thinking about how it affects themselves and not how it is mostly for the sake of others’ safety. Were the results obvious and predictable? Yes. But it is still good we have them. It is better to draw conclusions from proven facts than from “common sense”. Common sense once was that malaria is caused by air rising from swamps. And that plague was the punishment of God.
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Your example of malaria is an Awesome Team Kindergarten We Wear The Mask Together Shirt good one. They didn’t know it was caused by mosquitoes, but their brains had at least made the connection between the disease and the places where mosquitoes often live and knew that such places should probably be avoided. “Knowing” that “fact” would still have decreased their odds of getting malaria. So when confronted with a novel situation, and forced to make a decision based on incomplete information, “common sense” is often very useful, and can also provide the best starting point for later scientific examination.
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