I always sort of thought that, kind of the Black Cat Skull The Devil Whispered In My Ear I Am The Storm Shirt reason I never looked it up. Either line works. No, it’s much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality. Holy shit, me too! I even had a hard time making sense of the above comments until I finally realized my misread in the original joke. Same here. Read it as I’m banging this woman while another guy raises my kid. The same didn’t get it until I had to read it aloud to my husband asking him what I was missing. I did that too and I was ready to comment “I think you’re dyslexic” only to fall into my sad realization.
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“What a beautiful wedding! What a Black Cat Skull The Devil Whispered In My Ear I Am The Storm Shirt beautiful wedding” says a bridesmaid to a waiter. “Ah yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom’s bride is a dog”. No, it’s much better to face the kinds of things with a bunch of treats and good boy zoomies. Every single one of his replies so far has been in four words, hence his username. This one is technically five. I think the question was in reference to the ceremony where the immediate family sits in the first two rows traditionally. If you were seated next to them you’d probably be able to recognize the bride’s mother.
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This is a good joke, but I just don’t find it funny in a Black Cat Skull The Devil Whispered In My Ear I Am The Storm Shirt written format. As I said, it is funny but would be better as a comedy sketch or part of a movie. This is a real shit joke and I can barely believe 10k people legitimately enjoyed it enough to upvote it. Aren’t jokes supposed to have one foot set in reality, as that’s what makes them relatable and.. actually funny? I said “I feel like such an asshole. As I look around the room, I realized it’s genetics and he can’t help it.”
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