My dissertation was on the dynamics of public space in the Cute Alaskan Malamute In Heaven Shirt Roman cities of what is now western Turkey. While conducting research for this project, I spent two summers wandering around dozens of remote Turkish archaeological sites, where I frequently encountered kangas guarding flocks of sheep or goats. I just want to revel a little in the fact that the guy in the story named his terrifying dog Puppy. That’s amazing. Thanks so much for the entertaining dog information! This is random but you might be able to help me, My first dog’s name was Abraxas, is that a Greek name at all?
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That’s what the Cute Alaskan Malamute In Heaven Shirt news said at least. There’s no way my dumbass alone would have the technology or the steady hands to pull off an observation like that! Steady hands? Just how did you contemplate determining gender? Similar…ish story – I was leaving Pinnacles National Park after being disappointed in not seeing a California Condor in the wild. As we’re driving along, I turn a corner and slam on my brakes because I saw what I thought was a large person, deer, or bear in the middle of the row. Something huge!
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I never used to be particularly interested in history, but answers like this—to such precise and odd questions, nonetheless—are exactly why I joined the Cute Alaskan Malamute In Heaven Shirt sub. Thank you. What were the so-called war dogs used by the Romans? I’m interested because a number of Italian mastiffs like the Cane Corso are said to be descended from them. Would these be the Molossians or what? Thanks, it is a bit disappointing that we don’t know more. There are apparently modern Mollosus like breeds but the Cane Corso was apparently used in the TV series GOT for Ramsay Bolton’s hounds as they do look fierce.
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