almost always prefer to Funny Cat I Believe In Purrmaid Sunset Shirt get away without a fight if possible, even apex predators. Like the story of the guy who crashed his small plane in the middle of Africa and couldn’t walk, and in the middle of the night, a lion began sniffing around him. I think most of you are putting the odds way too much in the owl’s favor. I have seen this a few times at my house. It is usually a baby that is learning to fly and not very good at flying yet (they look very big but can still be very young) hence being on the ground and not just flying away. Although owls are most active in the evening and at night, here they are also quite active in the morning and into the early afternoon before they rest for a few hours during the afternoon until around dusk.
Funny Cat I Believe In Purrmaid Sunset Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
The owl would definitely take this if he was hunting the cat from above. Since he’s on Funny Cat I Believe In Purrmaid Sunset Shirt the ground the Cat has all the advantages. Not “probably” really. Definitely. Not even a fair fight in any stretch of the imagination. Bigger, stronger, faster, and far more lethal. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love cats. They’re one of nature’s most fantastic and lethal predators. And don’t obey the laws of physics, okay. But that owl is a god damned dinosaur with very few actual threats to it alive in the world today.
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