It’s about wealth, but it’s also Funny Life Is Not A Fairy Tale If You Lose Your Shoe At Midnight You’re Drunk Shirt about FREEDOM. We now exist under a system of wage slavery, which even slaves freed of chattel slavery. The 1800s thought was at most only marginally better than having a literal owner. It’s because there be propaganda and rhetoric that causes people to think. That aligns with the conservative ideals. And working hard will amount to owning your own big business that these taxes will hurt. And not the fact that most businesses struggle and have little to. No way of competing with the big corporations and their army of lobbyists.
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It’s not like the large multinational Funny Life Is Not A Fairy Tale If You Lose Your Shoe At Midnight You’re Drunk Shirts companies are paying their fair share as is. Apple alone dodged 200+ mill in a single year through the use of their “leprechaun economics”. What’s the deal with socialism in the USA? To compare to my own country’s political spectrum, The DNC’s views on the world is comparable to the parties (we got multiple parties) from the «radical right» to the centrum of the political spectrum and then we got our left and radical left which are not represented in your political climate. Our right is too far left for RNC (we got some individuals that might align with RNC policy and vice versa).
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