A terrifying alien carnivore with a pocket dimension for a stomach, capable of Funny Living Unapologetically Black NNCU Eagles Shirt consuming anything and has massive tentacles and large teeth that protrude from its stomach pocket dimension. And it looks like a cat. Doc Strange. Piece of shit person transforms into the most Zen mother fucker there is. Subtle. Peaceful. Stoic. Making the world a better place one fixed person at a time. Even though he went from being one of the top neurosurgeons to broke, he still persevered to become this character we all look up to. Mad respect.
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Scott Lang, I mean he is played by Paul Rudd, who is Funny Living Unapologetically Black NNCU Eagles Shirt awesome. The ant man movies are great, he was also great in Civil war and Endgame. And really, he is the biggest reason everyone was brought back after the snap. Don’t get me wrong, Ant-Man is the dude, but whenever Luis is in a scene, he steals the show. Before End Game came out, a Redditor suggested that Marvel do a quick summary of all important info that led up to End Game in a 2/3 minute montage. How would you cover all that info in only 2-3 minutes? By having Luis give the rundown of course. Such a missed opportunity…
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