The honest truth? just know you’re gonna have your ass handed to Funny Norfolk Southern Railway Assuming I’m Just An Old Man Was Your First Mistake Vintage Shirt you most nights by your bosses, crews will generally distrust and complain about/to you all the time, and if you have to deal with customers whoo boy that’s even worse…it’s all your fault even when it is not. Now, out of that, you can learn some things. Being honest with the crews goes a long long way. Even if its bad news like a 16-page watchlist from hell, the honest truth will earn you respect. Management can be more brutal than the ranks, but if you can survive the bottom going up is pretty quick. Common sense is a rare gift.
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For sure this comment. Especially the being honest with the crews. I hate when yardmasters or Funny Norfolk Southern Railway Assuming I’m Just An Old Man Was Your First Mistake Vintage Shirt managers are blatantly fake. Don’t beat around the bush and just give it to me straight. I respect that a hell of a lot more than someone playing a part. It’s just the fake buddy-buddy attitude. We all have a job to do and don’t all have to sing kumbaya and be best friends together. Sure there’s nothing wrong with it but when your kissing someone’s ass cause you want them to get something done and then sell them down the river the second something goes wrong that’s where I take issue.
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I’ve worked at 15 different terminals for 2 different class 1 railroads. I’ve seen trainmasters on Funny Norfolk Southern Railway Assuming I’m Just An Old Man Was Your First Mistake Vintage Shirt multiple occasions tell us to do something that gets a penalty payment and they’ll approve the claim immediately after we put it in, then they deny it as soon as we tie up and head home. If you can think of something to lie about in the course of their daily duties, a lot of managers will do it. Dishonesty is par for the course with management. Trainmen get fired for lying, management gets promoted.
Other products: Cute Snoopy I Don’t Need Therapy I Just Need To Listen To Pink Floyd Shirt.
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