If you want to Funny Yes I’m A Spoiled Husband But Not Yours I Am The Property Of A Freaking Shirt agree with the OP, you can only do that in response to other comments. However, those comments must still substantively add to the conversation: Sanders or Trump 2020 does not do this. Without the moderate Biden spoilers in the race anymore, a contested convention is very unlikely. The Dnc uses different rules for assigning delegates to the Republican Party. They vote on the second ballot. This was the compromise reached between Bernies camp and the DNC.
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I understand which is why I’m not basing my whole argument off of Funny Yes I’m A Spoiled Husband But Not Yours I Am The Property Of A Freaking Shirt that. But I will say that this is the type of behavior I want. This is the type of behavior Bernie himself espouses versus a significant portion of his supporters. I want to pay fewer taxes than Amazon. I want lobbying outlawed, super PAC’s outlawed, and my voice to matter again. Our voice to matter again. This is why people are so passionate about Bernie.
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Not insurance companies, or the stock market. Every other candidate will just maintain the Funny Yes I’m A Spoiled Husband But Not Yours I Am The Property Of A Freaking Shirt status quo. I know a few ex-Trump supporters who would vote Bernie in 2020. Because he unapologetically wants to change our garbage system. You fundamentally misunderstand what sites like 538 do. They do not predict who will win. They did not predict a landslide victory for HRC. And the polling in 2016 was accurate.
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