Yeah, he also Good Cats Driver Hippie On The Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Vintage Shirt took a settlement from the NFL instead of going through with it. This is after Nike gave you a deal, so you can’t tell me he had no money. Putting Fauci and him in the same category isn’t ducking right. Stuff like this is exactly why I think an uncomfortable amount of this was just him desperately reaching to save his dying career. Haha, that’s cute. Celebrities actually speaking against the corporate greed and slavery that made them famous and provided said platform. What’s next? Speaking out against the Chinese and their Muslim slaves? People not buying, supporting, or using Chinese imports? Are you mad?
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What is Kaep supposed to Good Cats Driver Hippie On The Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Vintage Shirts do about that? It’s the fault of our elected leaders. Stop it with the moral posturing. He needs to give up more. Yeah, he’s a huge hypocrite. If he really cared about human rights and all that he says he stands for, he would drop Nike. I’m not going to take him seriously as an activist as long as he takes money from Nike. The best way to try to change a system is to pick the one you have some influence over. Like I can personally do a small thing like not spent my tourist dollars in the USA until Agent Orange is gone, but that’s just to feed my own soul not change a foreign regime.
Other products: Nice Grand Paw Dog Shirt.
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