While at the same time trying to soften the outside image of Good Daddy Shark Boo Boo Boo Ghost Halloween Shirt the church. Sounds fucking scary to me. After all those years of the WBC picketing funerals with signs saying the most disgusting, disturbing things designed to outrage and upset the mourning. Taking the high road is really beautiful sometimes. Imagine the irony if Fred Phelps was guaranteed to get into Heaven for his The WBC is 45 people… they’re annoying as hell, but please don’t give them any attention. This is what they want. Yeah in Louie Theroux doc it seems like a group of male elders has taken over and are becoming more controlling over the group, especially the women, like deciding who they marry and pushing out the older female members.
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God was like “Fred, you were so Good Daddy Shark Boo Boo Boo Ghost Halloween Shirt close….. SO CLOSE!!!” lol, reminds me of the South Park episode where all the Christians are just getting to hell and they all start saying stuff like “I was a good Catholic” “I’m Lutheran” “I’m Baptist” etc., and the demon just looks at its clipboard and says,” Yeah, turns out it’s the Mormons that got it right. Only the Mormons get to go to heaven.” They constantly hound the local LGBT groups. A large part of LGBT groups is that they are discriminated against and that people don’t leave them alone, this plays well with their narrative.
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