Ant-man in Endgame, while he is trying to jump-start the van as Good Girl Easily Distracted By Tattoos And Painting Shirt regular-size-man, he is also on the battlefield being a giant fighting the army. You can see this when BP runs with the gauntlet. Still my favorite movie of all time. Good old was a drama queen that needed everything to have some sort of historical and or magical significance for it to bear a piece of his soul. That and overconfidence that no one would ever know what he was doing or be able to find them/destroy them if they did were pretty unheard of even for dark magic. The cops eventually show up after they get to the car. How? I’ll preface this by saying the Matrix is one of my all-time.
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Why would there be a nail sticking out of Good Girl Easily Distracted By Tattoos And Painting Shirts in the middle of the step facing UP? This is something that would never happen in real life. Especially after all the precautions they took, they didn’t notice the inexplicable nail poking up out. On the floor when they never wear shoes?!? There’s no way Walter, Donny, and the Dude could have beaten Smokey and his friends (yes the guy who runs the league says they gotta their win). Walter showed up late, which most leagues won’t let you bowl if others went past 3 frames. They somehow finished the game, I assumed there’s 3 games but its a movie. My spouse of all folks could not assist however make jokes about hitting my after I advised her. I feel it is a reflection of their very own uncertainty.
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