Even though I have a different political opinion with all this I still love to Good Native American Red Hand Shirt give my head peace, I was waiting for uncle Andy to pop in, or maybe he was down in the knee breakers. We in the North are a breed of our own, things would be a lot worse if we didn’t learn to laugh at ourselves. Was the whole point not that he was a completely ineffective loyalist thug? For example, some people apparently think the OO don’t understand parody, or can’t muster a laugh at themselves. Do they not have any friends who are Unionists? If Reddit is all you have to form an opinion you’re in fucking trouble lol.
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Sorry, I meant the earlier seasons. I can find odd clips and Good Native American Red Hand Shirt the occasional episode even found 2 ceasefires and a wedding, but not the early episodes before Nuala McKeever left. I remember reading somewhere that back in the 1980’s Iran they were all the rage. The leadership used to take an occasional break from its “Fuck the US” and “Fuck Israel” ranting to engage in a spot of “Fuck the UK” (Say what you like about the Ayatollah but he hated everyone pretty much equally) Having national symbols on something on the ground one wipes their feet on is in that part of the world generally considered to be about the worst insult which can be heaped on somebody.
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