Serious question — is it any good to eat? Like, does it’s the size (or age, I’m assuming?) affect the taste in any way? Thai do eat very large shrimps like these, and Good Shrimpin Ain’t Easy Vintage Shirt some that are even bigger than OP’s picture is pretty expensive, they can weigh about 2lb and costs over $50 (standard shrimps in Thailand are like $2-3 per lb). The meat is firmer than standard shrimps and much sweeter. I prefer them over lobsters any day (and I’ve had Pacific spiny lobster, Maine/American lobster, and French Omar lobsters). Japanese Botan Ebi shrimp is probably the closest in terms of sweetness.
Good Shrimpin Ain’t Easy Vintage Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women
This place called Landry’s Seafood in St. Louis (although I think it’s a chain) has shrimp this big. The fry them and Good Shrimpin Ain’t Easy Vintage Shirt serve them as 1 on a plate by itself. They’re tiger shrimp. Currently invading the Gulf of Mexico and displacing native species. They’re from Asia and are supposed to be quite tasty. It’s not so much the taste, but the texture. I grew up the son of a commercial fisherman and have lived/worked on the water my entire life.
Official Good Shrimpin Ain’t Easy Vintage Sweatshirt, Hoodie
I’ve not a fan of any of the larger varieties. As they get larger they need more time on Good Shrimpin Ain’t Easy Vintage Shirt the heat to cook all the way through and get too tough. I live nowhere near fresh seafood though, so maybe if they’re fresh its a better result. Anything I can get here has been frozen. Huge difference in fresh shrimps that are recently killed shortly before it was cooked vs those that’s been frozen for months and shipped across the world.
Other products: Premium Farm Riding Dirty Vintage Shirt.
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