This is just clickbait. In Good The Grinch Buffalo Bills Shit On Toilet New England Patriots Christmas Shirt they the American version they also use different terminology than Japanese. So I think this is more like localization rather than blatant censorship. I can understand someone having this naive take, thinking China isn’t actively trying to crush all attempts. To promote the human rights and freedom that those of us in the west tend to take for granted, but what I don’t understand is how your comment is not only positively upvoted. But it’s not even flagged as being heavily contested in terms of votes. I mean it’s obvious when you translate from one region to another… Letting you control their movement. You can funnel them into clear zones where you have heavy weapons concentrated, for instance. It can do its job without ever going off. The only other real use is as an ambush weapon.
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It’s like playing Telephone and Good The Grinch Buffalo Bills Shit On Toilet New England Patriots Christmas Shirts it changes a bit, but it’s also obvious China would absolutely brute force that sort of messaging out of anything they can and threaten to ban the content otherwise. They do it all the time. So that means it’s okay to spread misinformation as long as it stands along with popular opinion? Would I have to mention that the Spanish localization completely removes the rights? And freedom connotation while the Chinese version actually preserves it for a pun? This seems like unwarranted outrage from bored people who lack a full understanding of the localization process. Makes sense this started from Twitter, it’s their bread and butter. It’s more of an “area denial” tool than something you expect to actually kill someone.
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