I really can’t stand jaggy’s Good Yeah I’ve Got O.C.D Old Cranky Dangerous Shirt content bc it’s too boring to snark on/just irritates me- but I will give her credit for not being like “hmmm sOo sMall a SiZe SiX aRe mY fAt jEanS” if she’s also petite like Rach and hasn’t pulled that shit (If she has then never mind). Nah you’re right, she never really does that. I’ve viewed her Poshmark/depop whatever before tho and her clothes are all XS and like size 6 shoes. I know! Lol I like zoomed-in after I posted and I saw it and honestly, it tracks that Noelle would wear a bra too small to prance around her apartment with her friend.
Good Yeah I’ve Got O.C.D Old Cranky Dangerous Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
Her reels are terrible IMO. Do we need a Good Yeah I’ve Got O.C.D Old Cranky Dangerous Shirts voiceover for the most basic pairings? You can pair orange with green, khaki, or jeans! Oh gee, thank you!. Yeah, I like Steffy but her Reels are pointless and her voiceovers drive me nuts. Her regular styling videos are way better IMO. Okay, Zach’s breakfast tacos looked good! And I didn’t like most of the fall outfits but the candy corn shirt and wide jeans I can get behind as the right mix of tacky and cute. But I will never understand the bra and suit look for noncelebrities. I think it definitely looks like you just forgot a top and it doesn’t say #girlboss to me at all.
Other products: Nice Rick And Morty Wash Hands Damn Hands Shirt.
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