Trump’s private records show that his company Great Bbq Beer And Freedom Shirt once paid $747,622 in fees to an unnamed consultant for hotel projects in Hawaii and Vancouver, British Columbia. I Trump’s public disclosure forms – which she filed when joining the White House staff in 2017 – show that she had received an identical amount through a consulting company she co-owned.” Why? Why do none of these stories matter? Why does none of this concrete evidence of fraud, lies, and manipulation ever matter?
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In 2016 & ‘17, I paid thousands of dollars a year in taxes as a bartender. Trump paid $750. He contributed less to funding our communities than waitresses & undocumented Great Bbq Beer And Freedom Shirts immigrants. Donald Trump has never cared for our country more than he cares for himself. A walking scam. Last year Republicans blasted a fire hose of hatred + vitriol my way because I treated myself to a $250 cut & low lights on my birthday. Where’s the criticism of their idol spending $70000 on hairstyling? Oh, it’s nowhere because they’re spineless, misogynistic hypocrites? Got it. The New York Times has obtained tax-return data for President Trump and his companies that cover more than two decades. Mr. Trump has long refused to release this information, making him the first president in decades to hide basic details about his finances.
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