Did Noelle overwhelm her bathroom mirror with Hot Gobble Me Swallow Me Dancing Turkey Shirt an unnecessarily placed, cumbersome leaf garland/thirty-five pumpkins to make it fall? Lolol. It also looks like there were only 4 holes drilled into the wall for each corner, I’m surprised it hadn’t fallen down sooner! Would have expected slightly better for an expensive new-build penthouse. Aaaah, the ultimate test!! Someone posted a Mulan related question on Leo’s last ~somanyhours~ photoshop post. Will he answer? Delete it? Dig a deeper racism hole??? Bonus: the dude that posted it has a selfie of him and Leo & the only comment on it (though from 44wks ago) is a reference to his cheating ass.
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It’s hilarious that that is the only Hot Gobble Me Swallow Me Dancing Turkey Shirts recent comment. I’m sure Leo was hoping it would be flooded with “can’t wait for the next recreates!” and “omg r u alive I’m soO worried!” comments. I feel like those jeans she posted could be cute but they just don’t look right on her. They look maybe too small? I actually like Noelle Downing … but when is someone going to tell her that tucking her shirt into her bra ain’t it? Noelle’s bra tucks with these jeans look terrible. They are too short and the proportions/silhouette is all off. This is like when characters on tv have a “cup of coffee” but because of the way they handle it you can tell it’s empty.
Other products: Class Of 2020 The Year When Thit Got Real Toilet Paper Shirt.
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