Human rights always seem to Hot Men’s November 1965 55 Yeas Of Being Quarantine Edition T-Shirt piss someone off. Get ready for the incoming Twitter meltdown. He’ll create/demand an award for himself to try to one-up Fauci. Kaepernick actually becomes more famous, richer, and more influential because of his protesting than he was before he did it. I did this job for two years. I’ve watched people quit after two days from the nightmares. I’ve reported child porn to NCMEC. It got to the point where you breathe a sigh of relief when it’s not the bad kind. Eastern European children setting puppies on fire and laughing. Bahrain security forces murdering protestors. I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe.
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CG babies eating naked Hot Men’s November 1965 55 Yeas Of Being Quarantine Edition T-Shirts women then getting indigestion and puking them out. It made me stronger, mentally, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it didn’t affect me. How do you even get one of the jobs? It doesn’t seem too uncommon since there are a few people in this thread who’ve done it. Genuinely someone tells me why Kaepernick is deserving of it. It’s almost as bad as Obama winning the Nobel Peace prize for the supposed plans he had then proceeded to drop more bombs than any president before him. These awards are just a joke, so it shouldn’t piss anybody off except the stupid people who actually think it matters.
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