I agree with appointed you’re saying. Hot Spoon And Crockpot Club Killing Tomorreows Trophy Today Shirt But now the election is over, we need to stop pretending Biden is acceptable in any way. He is a war hawk, and his weakness on things like M4A is going to only lead to stronger populist sentiment. Since the dems are better at stifling populism from within than the republicans, I think Biden will just lead to a stronger, more effective trump unless he genuinely fights for these issues. But I don’t think he has it in him. I agree with you on the climate. Biden’s policies on climate are his best policies. But even those are not enough. If Biden’s policies play out the way he wants, my children will die from climate disaster. “decent” climate policy isn’t good enough anymore.
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I have myself as a Hot Spoon And Crockpot Club Killing Tomorreows Trophy Today Shirt alternate set of electors for all states and shall be voting for my mad ex as POTUS and her bird as VP today. I shall be sending all my votes to Congress by carrier bald eagle with a loudspeaker attached so it can make that majestic noise that Americans imagine bald eagles to make but actually don’t. Remember when Obama was sworn in but Judge Roberts screwed up the words and didn’t do it exactly right or something; Republicans were certain that this meant Obama wasn’t officially president. My favorite was the slightly quieter theory that there were actually two Obamas, and that’s why they had to do the swearing-in twice.
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