There was always another alternative. That was to put in I Heard A Loud Pop And Thought You May Have Pulled Your Head T-Shirt a wealth floor so that everyone could survive with a decent standard of living through the crisis. Most of the money would still have filtered up to the plutocratic class anyway. Unfortunately, that might have helped some poor people and some brown people. We can’t have that. It’s almost like a president should divest entirely from their businesses and investments so they won’t have any financial conflicts of interest. Weird. This shows how he treats ordinary people. Cutting off an elderly lady’s water so she has to collect water from a stream.
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Using police to harass I Heard A Loud Pop And Thought You May Have Pulled Your Head T-Shirt local people. Destroying protected environmental sites. His supporters cheer this kind of shit on. They are bootlickers, if you have nothing to hide, should have paid your bills on time, types. They get off on other people getting fucked. As long as it’s not them they are all good with this kind of behavior. His golf courses around me haven’t closed all year, to make up for the loss of members he fired the immigrants he had working there. Collapsing is a great term. They said Obamacare was collapsing and it is going to take a 6-3 conservative court and constant active pressure to repeal it. It won’t ever have collapsed.
Other products: Weed Sativa The Glue Holding This Shitshow Together Shirt.
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