I’ve only enjoyed some of I Wanna Be The One Who Has A Beer With Darryl Gibbon Shirt the sciences. I loved physics to death, liked Chemistry a fair bit, but I could not tolerate biology. Tbh I think it’s just the type of thought involved in the science. Biology is information-based, whereas Physics is a form of applied mathematics. I’m a math-oriented person and don’t care for memorizing little details, so that explains the difference. Are there teachers that are terrible at teaching the subject, of course. They could very well be experts in their subject but have no idea how to relate information in ways that click for their students.
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The kids that will succeed in I Wanna Be The One Who Has A Beer With Darryl Gibbon Shirt their classes are the ones who already have an interest. And will put in the extra time/effort to learn the concepts through practice. My science teacher this year believes that teenagers get depression from eating chickens that got depressed. When they were locked in cages to be made into food. Thank god she is retiring this year. Hated science at school with a passion, whenever I asked a question I was interested in (probably off-topic) I would be shut down. Science amazes me now as an adult so yeah fuck school. It isn’t for everyone.
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