Mine does it when they see birds. What’s really weird is if I imitate it, they’ll make the Im The Psychotic Cat Lady Everyone Warned You About Shirt the same noise back almost identically. I have a ragdoll mix named Cheddar. He likes to meow back and also whine for no reason. He’s weird. I have conversations with my cat too. He varies his meows after what I ask him, so it’s like he’s responding. Does he understand several words like food? Treat? Go out? Down. This is a bit embarrassing, your honor, perhaps this man has lied about his credentials. My cat came over to glare at me jealously while I was watching, he hates other cats.
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So apparently that’s them trying to mimic bird calls. I guess some researchers saw big cats in South America almost perfectly mimicking rhesus monkey calls and that gave them an idea. Mine too, but he’s a parrot and he imitates me imitating him imitating me….. This goes on until someone comes into the room to interrupt the imitation session. That’s a different noise. I think of that as a preamble to a meow. It generally means they want something. My cat used to do this whenever she saw something outside she couldn’t get to. Pretty strange.
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My cats do it when looking out the Im The Psychotic Cat Lady Everyone Warned You About Shirt window, but I never have interpreted it as being from frustration. It only happens while the cat is staring at their prey, and deeply focused on the prey. If the cat does try to find a way out, it’s not during this intense stare. I read that they were practicing the special bite they need to dispatch their prey. I’ve seen this when indoor cats see outside birds and reform to that natural killer that is locked away in solitary. It’s a hunting reflex. They kill prey with quick little bites to the back of the neck usually and they chatter like that in anticipation.
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