This administration has been so Jack Skellington Keep Your Candy I’ll Have Starbuck Coffee Shirt divisive. It’s disgusting. They’ve unified no one and never take responsibility. This is a truly ugly stain in our history. Is it confirmed that this is true? Seems like something you might go to jail for. Ye but if the anonymous source would take it to court he would probably end up in jail, so nothing will ever happen most likely. Wow-what an asshole playing games with people’s lives because they come from a democratic state. Watch the Dirty Money episode on Netflix about this dude he’s the worst of the worst. Kushner goes. He really likes pushing this democrat are evil people.
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BS strategy but Cain dying from after being a Jack Skellington Keep Your Candy I’ll Have Starbuck Coffee Shirt denier. Got it. Those democratic governors in Texas and Florida should be ashamed of themselves. I absolutely think they’re pieces of shit, but it’s a fight. Either parrot Trump’s talking points or he’ll weaponize his base to get you voted out. If they had integrity which they don’t they’d listen to actual experts instead of morons. What an absolute piece of. Am I the only one that always found that creepy? Even at a young age I clearly remember not liking it. Being ineffective is one thing, but intentionally fumbling the ball to hurt your own people is next level cowardice. The whole family just qualified for the retirement package.
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