For Nice Baby Yoda Mask Hug Longhorn Steakhouse Shirt the bank fee? I know the answer is the taxpayers, but shouldn’t the business foot that bill in this case? Try opening your mouth a little more. You might not be in the habit if you haven’t licked enough boot. When can I stop? Now shut the fuck up and put that tongue back to the boot. America is only great when you’re in the act of licking. Profits are private. Debt and crushing fees are for the little guy. In Fascist Italy, the State pays for the blunders of private enterprise. As long as business was good, profit remained to private initiative. When the depression came, the Government added the loss to the tax-payer’s burden. Profit is private and individual. Loss is public and social.
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Privatize the profit, socialize the Nice Baby Yoda Mask Hug Longhorn Steakhouse Shirt losses. Just like any good American capitalist venture. Actually that’d be Jackson because I consider the natives to be American people. Reaching the White House with this assist from Carter. Reagan promptly served the immediate interests of the most powerful and the wealthiest. The Reaganites depressed real wages through the worst unemployment since the 1929-39 depression. Pardon the late edit: Reagan sucked in a thousand different ways, but the Taft-Hartley Act was the death knell of organized labor in 1947. With labor defeated, the American people lost what had been gained through prior heroic struggles.
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Not to mention, dismantling any public support of mental health in the country. Came here to ask that. Banks should be shamed too for processing these loans for big companies. They also need to either pay that fee back or process it for small businesses for free since the fee was already earned from the initial loan processing. Otherwise, it’s double-dipping IMO. Do we know if that fee could be waived upon returning the money? That link doesn’t say. Not saying it will, just curious if it had been mentioned anywhere. Not a Nice Baby Yoda Mask Hug Longhorn Steakhouse Shirt big deal for Bank of America, but a real loss for a small community bank.
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