It’s virtue signaling, or I guess whatever you would Nice Quarantine Christmas Shark Mask Toilet Paper 2020 Shirt call the opposite of virtue signaling. I went to a client’s house last week and he had a big flag and a sign. I didn’t think he needed multiple ways to tell me was an asshole. Fucker tried to not pay me too. When you’re from a battleground state, it feels like you’d be better off throwing up gang signs out front of your home. It’s not primarily made for others, these people take politics like. You’d take sports, they want you to know what their team is. It could be more about when you see the people with these flags some people might see so much trump stuff and think there’s no point in voting because of all the support he has.
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People like to put up flags to express their Nice Quarantine Christmas Shark Mask Toilet Paper 2020 Shirts culture/heritage/passion. If people put out sports teams flags I think putting them out for candidates makes sense. It is an issue dear to most people’s hearts right now. If I had my own house I’d still be flying a Bernie flag lol. The idea is if you see lots of support for one candidate or the other you will be more likely to vote for them. People like acting with the group, so it can have a (minuscule) effect on swing voters. It’s a big thing going on, trying to discourage people from voting and such. I don’t get how individual Muslims from France, let alone other countries have to be considered to be at fault.
Other products: Official Black Cat And She Lived Happily Ever After Christmas Shirt.
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