The lack of scale in this doesn’t do justice to just how terrifying. That is Nice Sloth Yoga Eff You See Kay Why Oh You Vintage Shirt bigger than any bear alive today. I had a dream the other night that I was running down a dark tunnel and something that looked just like that was chasing me. I didn’t check the sub and thought this was a picture. Safe to say I won’t be sleeping tonight. This looks like how I’d digitally draw what I thought a sloth emerging from its burrow would look like. Herbivores have many a bone to pick with weaklings, unlike the energy-conscious predators… Big sloth gon’ slam a sucker.
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I saw the picture before reading the title and thought it was an SCP or Nice Sloth Yoga Eff You See Kay Why Oh You Vintage Shirt something like that. 100% an SCP creature… I vote it is to be known as “The Molar Bear” and it is in fact the true origin of the tooth fairy myth although the organization has been trying to keep that illusion alive to avoid public suspicion. It’s scarier when you remember that these things probably supplemented their diet with meat. This looks like when I was born and the doctors looked up my mom’s pussy to see if I was gonna come out.
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I Wondered why did the ground sloth do burrows? They were so Nice Sloth Yoga Eff You See Kay Why Oh You Vintage Shirt big that any living carnivore could easily walk in. Isn’t the point of burrows to hide from predators? Is that a vestigial behavior or is there something I don’t’ see? I keep seeing this as a group of men with night vision equipment walking through a strange cave only to hear some scratching and then see that walking in.
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