It’s like when that kid in school who was assigned to Nice The Right Way Pro Republican Elephant Trump Shirt your group to complete the project but didn’t do jack, and you were pressured to put his name on it, and then he had to give part of the oral presentation and makes it known to everyone that he doesn’t know anything about the subject by failing to put together even a single coherent sentence about the subject. Yeah, that’s Marco Rubio, Florida Man. I had a professor do this, at college! They all flunked out! As the constant over-achiever and victim of these people since childhood, it felt glorious indeed. It sucks to go through it but it is great life experience that I didn’t get till late in college.
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I had a teacher like that back in the day. She’d let them flounder and Nice The Right Way Pro Republican Elephant Trump Shirt then tell their parents. It was remarkable, but also, at the time as a kid, I found it disturbing that someone would allow that amount of ridicule to be directed at a certain bunch of kids. Today, I look back at it and realize that she obviously had a problem with the bullies. My kids’ high school does a lot of group projects, and I’ve watched them learn how to manage these situations. It sucks to go through it but it is a great life experience that I didn’t get till late in college.
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