Can we please put an end to Official Best Thing Since PB’J Shirt this whole silent majority bullshit? In what way are Trump supporters quiet? They are a very vocal minority. A lot of these boat accidents were probably caused. Terrible boating practices and extreme unpreparedness. Had all the boats traveled in the same line at the same rate of speed all of these boats would have been fine? The parade would have had no problem and everyone would be safe. But, all these dumb rednecks wanted. To show off how powerful their motors were, so they made them go brr brr.
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This caused crazy wakes that the smaller boats Official Best Thing Since PB’J Shirt could not handle. That could not evacuate the extra water quickly enough. They are planning one in San Diego Bay tomorrow. I will have my BLM flag on my boat. Seems even God has lost patience with Trump supporters. I’m always amazed at America’s lack of class consciousness. In most countries, having your most enthusiastic supporters. Be a bunch of rich people who own boats would be considered embarrassing for a political candidate. Something you’d want to downplay or minimize. It makes you look out of touch.
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