Okay, so I’m not American, nor Official Bulba Fett Shirt do I pretend to understand American tax laws. But how the fuck can he live in luxury AND pay less tax than people living from paycheck to paycheck AND not be in jail? Is what he’s doing actually within the bounds of the law? Is he committing tax fraud? I get the business loss stuff to an extent but it’s not like it’s affecting his standard of living even remotely is it? An egotistical billionaire from New York City convincing working-class people in the South and Midwest that he is their champion has got to be one of the biggest cons of all time.
Official Bulba Fett Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
Meh, my conservative friends, Official Bulba Fett Shirt would just dismiss the news and say “Democrats are worse” with no evidence to back it up. There really is no getting through some people. I mean..Trump literally descended from a golden tower on a golden escalator when he declared his candidacy. I’d be surprised to learn that he has worked a solid hour straight once in his life. The president of the United States is most likely broke and in debt. So basically, he’s ripping off the American people and most likely compromised. And yet people will still vote for him.
Other products: Official Dragon Ball Z Friday Daaaamn Shirt.
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