Growing up in Official Grinch Santa Reindeer Christmas Tree Shirt a heavily Dominican neighborhood made me admire how beautifully all Dominican food is seasoned. You guys pack so much flavor on everything, whether it be chicken or steak. My all-time favorite is Arroz con gandules, and no matter how hard I try to make it, it’s not the same as eating rice from a Dominican mom. You’ll find maqloubehs, moussaka, salads, bechamel based baked pasta, and so many varieties of rotisserie meats. Surely we have to break India down though? Northern and Southern Indian dishes are as different as Italian and Danish, IMO.
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Oyakodon Donbari Japan Oyakodon translates to Official Grinch Santa Reindeer Christmas Tree Shirts mother and child and it is a rice dish with egg and chicken thigh. Ultimate umami. With good mayonnaise. Never realized how important Mayo was until I moved to Belgium and left the gross American stuff behind. Ohhh the fries with mayonnaise in every corner. With beer. I need the world to be travel friendly again. Let the beef simmer for a couple of hours. I’d say for Northern India try Rajma, my favorite dish by far and not one you see that often outside of home cooking. I really enjoyed English food when we were there. And German when we went to Germany.
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