Half the Official You’re Fired Glass American Flag Shirt people who voted for Biden will have fallen about. Blank the spell of the propaganda services that serve as news media. Who will no doubt be ignoring McConnell’s scheming, but pushing some narrative like? The Biden administration is failing the American people by Ignoring. The fact that there will surely be a dozen or more bills sitting on the desk. It’s all. Both parties are complicit. Multi-millionaires and billionaires rule the country, and they aren’t going to allow anyone to do jack to change anything. If you hadn’t realized this by now – today is your day. Sorry, we share a great-grandma, my grandma, and her grandma were sisters. I think that made her my second cousin. I never met my biological father.
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McConnell remains in Official You’re Fired Glass American Flag Shirts power, the Democrats’ posturing will fade away, business as usual until hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from starvation. Which is going to happen. Why are we talking about changing the rules now? With Trump gone I would assume that it will be harder for McConnell to threaten other Republican senators who want to work with Democrats. And Senators are willing to work with any Republicans who want to get things done and work around him. Wait, if they are your cousin, shouldn’t their grandma be your grandma?
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The fireworks on the shirt are beautiful.