That’s all I could think of while Original Grinch Hand Holding Wine The More Wine The More Merry Christmas Shirt reading the blurb from the EO. It’s 100% a projection of everything Trump is and has been since losing the election in a veritable landslide. It wouldn’t be so goddamned frustrating if it weren’t so goddamned blatant. The worst part is how so many of his true believers likely see this and fully understand, but take pleasure in frustrating the opposition; so they continue to feed the beast, all while completely ignoring the crippling damage that it has done – and continues to do – to the national fabric of our democracy. We regroup on January 6th and see what the Republicans will do to contest this. After that, there’s basically nothing else they can do.
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I know social media is awful and filled with trolls Original Grinch Hand Holding Wine The More Wine The More Merry Christmas Shirt and bots, but the sheer amount of accounts on Twitter that are living in a different reality where Trump didn’t lose the election, and that their faith in God is going to lead Trump to another term is bananas. The same thing happened during impeachment, but not to this extent. People are delusional. I can’t imagine what it looks like on Facebook. Ha. What I hate about Twitter is all the shit people I DO know share that’s insane. I don’t want to see it. The people I follow on Facebook just share light, humorous stuff that doesn’t make me rage. I’d like to curtail my social consumption in the new year, but man it’s addictive.
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