If the only coach put him in the fourth quarter maybe they would have won the Original If You Aren’t Crocin’ You Aren’t Rockin’ Shirt state championship. My dad always joked about us having siblings we didn’t know about. We’re still not convinced it was a joke. He looks like he threw a good fuck. Women probably loved him for that. Can’t blame him for making hay while the sun shines. Sorry, to be clear are we chalking up fathering and abandoning 3 unknown children “making hay while the sun shines”? Actually ‘making hay while the sun shines’ means HARVESTING hay. The sun shining meant it was a dry day and the hay would be dry enough to cut and bundle without rotting.
Original If You Aren’t Crocin’ You Aren’t Rockin’ Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women
I thought that I would never see a sticker less classy than those until I did. It was the same verbiage, but instead of a store-bought sticker, it was duct tape written on with a Marks-a-lot. “Gas Grass or Ass – nobody rides for free” was the sign hanging from the rearview mirror of my high school BFF’s Pinto. And Original If You Aren’t Crocin’ You Aren’t Rockin’ Shirt we didn’t call it a “Shaggin Waggon” we called in F*ck Truck. As in my much older brother made me promise to never date someone who had one – he also was suspicious of guys who didn’t wear t-shirts under their outside shirt. It was a simpler time.
Official Original If You Aren’t Crocin’ You Aren’t Rockin’ Sweatshirt, Hoodie
Excuse me while I empty out the chad bucket. How many half-siblings in how many states do you have? I’ve got about 4 or 5 and my Dad rocked a similar look. “There’s a new fiesta in the making as Original If You Aren’t Crocin’ You Aren’t Rockin’ Shirt we speak. Down at the moon tower. Full kegs. Everybody’s gonna be there. You oughta go.”. If time travel was real, I’d go back to the 70s just watch stuff happen. It sounds the wildest decade.
Other products: Awesome Black Cat Never Underestimate A Cat Mom With A Nursing Degree Shirt.
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