Says the guy struggling to Original Life Is Full Of Important Choices Shirt pays his bills. And making less than 30k a year. Only rosy Donald. Well, this would be awkward if fox gave an about conveying accurate information. Who in their right mind would believe anything coming out of trump’s mouth. The minds on the right. The only suckers. And losers are people still supporting this of a human being. This is coming from a former registered Republican. Now independent. What a joke. Fox News should be shut down after this election year. What a joke. It’s insane. Now your own people can safely walk the clear path. Of course, the enemy can use it too when they attack. You’ve created an artificial chokepoint in what used to be an open field.
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How much this has stirred up Original Life Is Full Of Important Choices Shirts the cult hive. They’re having mini-strokes trying to call this story fake news in the face of mounting evidence. Video calling McCain a loser, and that he doesn’t like losers. Are his supporters. So dumb they can’t make this connection? I think that’s by design. They’re not necessarily propagating to believe what they want. Rather question veracity all together. I hear that all the time. Conservatives are suddenly the biggest now. They insist that nothing can be known as true. This is worse than useless. Typically landmines are supposed to be used to create an artificial chokepoint. So you surround the thing with a very clearly marked minefield. With a small and narrow but also very very clearly marked safe path through it.
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