The flags are just like yard signs. It’s Original Owl Drink Tea Read Books Be Happy Shirt meant as a way to tell people who you support. I’m sure some people might be under the delusion that a flag or sign would alter someone else’s vote. But, realistically, it’s just people showing who they support. It’s meant to influence through majority. If someone on the fence feels like most flags/signs in their area are for 1 candidate, they may be influenced to just vote the majority. Flags seem obnoxious, but I have used bumper stickers for candidates before. Do I expect people to change their minds while driving behind me?
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Probably not, especially if I drive like Original Owl Drink Tea Read Books Be Happy Shirts an idiot. But it feels good to loudly and proudly display the candidate that I am voting for. It’s to normalize the choice “Oh, so many people like him, this means he’s an OK choice” People feel good in herds too. For big candidates sure. But I drive through a lot of places and often get bored and look up who the other candidates for positions are. I see yard signs for city council and such and that makes sense. For the president, if someone doesn’t know who the candidates are at this point IDK… Like every other group, people consider Muslims to be a monolith. We hate these fuckers just as much as the next Westerner.
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