How about Perfect All I Need Is Coffee And Scissors Shirt the part where he wrote off $747,622 in “consulting fees” paid to an un-named consultant for work on two hotels in Hawaii and Vancouver. Guess who the consultant was? Ivanka Trump paid through a consulting company she co-owns. That number exactly matches a dollar amount listed on her White House Staffer public disclosure forms. That’s how his father transferred wealth to his kids while Trump was growing up. He would just have his kids own the company that supplied his properties and then overpay for w/e it was he needed to keep them running.
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This really Perfect All I Need Is Coffee And Scissors Shirt should piss off American voters, but I already can see the excuses lined up for him. Probably not excuses, they’ll just ignore it and claim that liberals don’t pay taxes. What’s crazy is this doesn’t even feel like a big deal. We’re so desensitized to this man. Plus, anyone of us with a brain knew this already. And his supporters won’t care. People should be livid that fast-food workers pay more in taxes than. A supposed billionaire who takes his own supporters’ money to pay his legal bills. Can anyone come out and defend this? I would love to see a level-headed response from his supporters that can rationalize this information.
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