I’m the same era, but when I was young my parents always talked about Perfect Black Cat Wine Sure Love It People Nah Not A Big Fan Vintage Retro Shirt the weather in Fahrenheit (and of course the forecast was in both). So until my 30s, that was my default temperature scale. Usually, they’ll say that for stovetops. I always found that annoying too. Damn near everything else is metric for me. Measurements for objects I can hold in my hand are mm, distances for pretty much anything under half a mile in meters, the mass of any given object (usually other than humans, but I’m trying to convert to fully metric) in kg, planet-scale distances in km, temp in Celcius.
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I will put it to the test. It was 95 Fahrenheit today, and Perfect BlackCat Wine Sure Love It People Nah Not A Big Fan Vintage Retro Shirt the reverse should work. 95 minus 32 divided by 2. I get 31.5. 35 degrees celsius when I us a convert online converter. 31.5 degrees celsius equals 88.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Close enough estimate. Fahrenheit is what the popular tabloids always switch to when they want to sensationalize the headline of an article about the warm summer weather. 86 degrees Fahrenheit sounds so much hotter than 30 degrees Celsius. I once lived in a rented house with a really old cooker which always undercooked things in oven mode. We got quite adept at working out how to set it.
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