In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of Perfect If You Want To Change The System White Silence Is Pro Racism Shirt ideas, don’t attack people. I like where you’re going with this… “Protesters remove offensive symbols from parks in efforts to improve communities & neutralize racism”. But to stand united with the rest of the country to tear down and destroy the legacy of the racist traitorous scum who tried to destroy our country and over the desire to enslave human beings. If there’s going to be a race war, can they just get it over with? Why do they never confront each other? Why are they so elusive and indirect?
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I guess we should totally just destroy all proof that stuff ever happened huh history doesn’t matter bulldoze the pyramids because they used slaves right. We don’t put those up Perfect If You Want To Change The System White Silence Is Pro Racism Shirt in public parks and glorify them. We put them in museums and contextualize them. Pretty big difference. Plus, those monuments are mostly not even artifacts from that time. Most were created and placed in those locations very specifically years after the confederacy was destroyed. How many countries erect and prominently place monuments to leaders of failed insurrections, anyway? Methinks not so many.
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Unfortunately never been to Germany but id loves to Perfect If You Want To Change The System White Silence Is Pro Racism Shirt see some statues from that time and if I learned that some shits had destroyed history id be mighty upset I couldn’t view those things. It’s not the ugliest thing that could be found in a public space. Statues honoring traitors, racists and slave owners are far more hideous than graffiti. So it’s relative, isn’t it?
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