What is so wrong about the “American Dream” anyways? It’s something the average American can only dream of. The first group sees nothing wrong, working three jobs is the sign of Perfect It’S Called The American Dream Because You Have To Be Asleep To Believe It Vintage T-Shirt a hardworking industrious people. While the rest of the world is lazying about, we’re working hard! That’s the American Spirit™. The second group sees it as a sad reality that people have to work three jobs just to survive. That the average person needs to struggle so damn hard, yet at the same time we’re a very rich country. While the rest of the world has time to spend with their children and loved ones, we’re at work.
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Exactly! I believe in hard work and grit. And I think the outcome of that hard work and Perfect It’S Called The American Dream Because You Have To Be Asleep To Believe It Vintage T-Shirt grit should be represented in earnings. Problem is, economies don’t trade in hard work. They trade in magical fairy dollar points. And the people who are best at fucking around with those points (or fucking with the rules that govern how points work) win the most points. Even Jesus saw through this shit when it came to money lenders and interest.
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You’ll never make an economy perfect, but that’s okay as long as it’s being corrected. I just think our current economy is missing its share of checks and Perfect It’S Called The American Dream Because You Have To Be Asleep To Believe It Vintage T-Shirt balances. Taxation is busted. Inequality is too askew. The distribution needs to be more of a mound and less of a spike. I’m not an economizer, I’m just a buckaroo on the inner nut. But shit is busted. Rose-colored glasses being what they are… It’s still quite surreal that I’m missing Bush Jr’s manner of speaking simply because at least he didn’t sound like a stroke victim all (most) of the time.
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