The Emperor on Perfect Will You Shut Up Man Shirt his Golden Throne would like a word. Necrocracy is such a great metal album tile. This is awkward. Norway has a high-king that has been the head of state for the last 1000 years. He apparently died, but nobody knows where he’s buried. He was hit by a spear, but I guess they missed his heart. Olav the Holy is still considered the eternal king of Norway, Rex Perpetuum Norvegiae. It’s very hard to explain some Norwegian things to outsiders. The only government that still “operates under the rules of a dead former leader”? I am dunno. Sounds like some real “founding fathers” to me. And daring to question such dogma is fiercely condemned as treason.
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Did you just imply Perfect Will You Shut Up Man Shirt that the Founding Fathers weren’t divine heroes who descended from on high to deliver the concept of freedom to the huddled masses of humanity, like the Titan Prometheus stealing fire from the gods? I’m pretty sure the title is meant to say “rule” not “rules” otherwise every single country abides by the rules of previous leaders because rewriting every law ever written isn’t realistic. That’s going to make some people angry. Ok, so the US isn’t run by any dead person, but still, every schoolchild is indoctrinated into believing that all the politicians from the past were some sort of ethical demi-gods to whom, we don’t literally have to pray, but almost.
Other products: Good Don’t Mess With Old People We Didn’t Get This Age By Being Stupid Shirt.
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