I used to think the GTA physics were bullshit, till I saw the manner in which the Perfect You Don’t Have To Love It But You Don’t Have To Live Here Either Shirt gentleman fell off that moving cop car. You win again Rockstar. I flew and bounced for around 150′ when I got run off the road on my bike. Was doing 60-65ish. A steel mile-marker finally brought me to a stop. It hurt. I definitely rag-dolled just like in GTA tho. My buddy who was riding behind me said I looked like a stuffed animal being launched out of a cannon.
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I learned the passions of rebuilding motorcycles, tig-welding, automotive paint, body-work, etc because of it. I ended up Perfect You Don’t Have To Love It But You Don’t Have To Live Here Either Shirt being one of the best terrible things to happen to me, aside from the surgeries and time in a wheelchair. I’ve now built several show-winning bikes, and 15-16 for personal use. That’s the show. It was the shit when I was a kid. Seeing as I was a clumsy kid, I found it hilarious. That’s a common misconception about head injuries. One person can take a huge hit to the head and be totally fine, while another can take what might look like a glancing blow and end up dead. That guy is pretty lucky to be alive.
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In a mine safety course, I took, one of the questions was “What is the minimum height that safety needs to Perfect You Don’t Have To Love It But You Don’t Have To Live Here Either Shirt be addressed?” To note, we were discussing climbing ladders, if context matters. Anyway, the official answer was “At any height in which injury can occur, including on the ground.” We then had multiple examples of dudes falling backward off the bottom of a ladder and dying from head or neck injuries.
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