You just need to get away from the Premium Sakura Cherry Blossom Koi Fish Shirt cookie booth. Venture out further and they’re significantly less aggressive about the cookies. So many grown adults scrambling backward and chucking cookies at aggressively advancing deer. The whole scene is hilarious. Saw a bunch of deer chase a 6ish-year-old a bag of biscuits. He dropped the bag. The deers had a good feed. Spectators had a good laugh. My wife was sitting on stairs and a deer approached and searched her for cookies. She had none and was freaking out, he went for her bag and got a passport and map in one bite.
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I managed to retrieve the passport, but he ate the map. Yes, he ate the map. Yes! I learned I was afraid of deer when they all crowded around me. They’re not big but they’re pretty insistent. Was the Premium Sakura Cherry Blossom Koi Fish Shirt tree owned? They could have been apprehended and made to pay some sort of restitution. But, you know… that never happens… so that’s why this kind of shit happens. They were transformed into a tree spirit and planted in the ground at a school for unruly Japanese children.
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Who tear at the branches, dig up the roots and throw stones at the Premium Sakura Cherry Blossom Koi Fish Shirt trunk. The Washington Post article you linked said that Japan is offering for people to take deer home as pets. deer outnumber humans 2 to 1 in Nara. 125 were to be captured and killed and they have a policy on “eat crop you die” for all deer. 121 people were injured one year, mostly minor though someone broke a bone. They all like dem crackers. Deer poop is everywhere, but it’s like tiny rocks — I don’t remember it smelling, and you just kick it around instead of squishing it.
Products: Premium Sakura Cherry Blossom Koi Fish Shirt
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