I went to apply for internships recently as I’m about to start my last year of Premium She Can Do It For The People 2020 Lady American Flag Shirt grad school. There is literally nothing in my field. Nothing at all. I found 2 applications to fill out. The fuck am I supposed to do for a job? I’ll be going about my day and everything’s fine, then I randomly remember how fucked I am and I just get depressed. It sometimes seems the only way out of some academia dead ends is to just…stay in academia forever, luring ever more people into fields that have no postings outside academia. Without a college degree in America, this is basically your life. Work a job that you need at least 1 up to 3 other people depending on the area in order to cover bills. We have next to no worker protections or rights.
Premium She Can Do It For The People 2020 Lady American Flag Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
I can’t move in with my parents for Premium She Can Do It For The People 2020 Lady American Flag Shirt reasons but I did recently sign a lease to live with 4 other strangers in an attempt to be able to afford my bills. I’ll be lucky if I can afford food after rent, Bill’s, car payment, and gas to get to work. Serious question – fair warning, I’m not American: how does it get like this? I never went to university, instead, I got a bullshit call center job and just built on that. Jumped from job to job and just climbed each time. But I’ve always been able to pay my bills. I’m not talking shit either. I just don’t understand it, at all.
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